Prophetic Soaking Music


The Devil Made Me Do It



This is a saying most of us would tend not to agree with. 

However if we look in the Bible in the letter the Apostle Paul wrote to the Ephesians, Paul pretty much says just that. 

In his own words of course. 

12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

We have entered a season where the devil’s voice has been know to run rife . Not only among the world but also among the body of Christ. 

The presidential election season.

It is during this season we need to be extra aware of the spiritual forces behind our every word and deed. 

Make a point not to be used by the enemy to bring division into the house of God. 

It can happen in a moment of passion. During a seemingly innocent conversation between friends. We may not even be aware we are submitting ourselves to the enemy in this area. Still, it is happening. 

If the words we speak do not glorify the Lord, perhaps the devil made us do it. (Ephesians 6:12)

Please understand me. I am not saying we should all be quiet. Or that we do not have the right to our beliefs. 

We do. Absolutely we do. 

I am a firm believer in the first amendment. 

I am also a firm believer that as a disciple of Jesus I am obligated to hold certain truths close to my heart and vote that way as well. Even go so far as to inform others, less informed, of certain truths if it be the case. 

However my heart is pained,  as I believe the Lord’s is as well. 

Why? Because in his body, the mean spirit has been given the right to run rampant. 

The spiritual forces of this dark world have crept in and moved through us. 

We are called to be at peace with one another. To love one another as He loves us.

We do not need to agree with each other. Still, we need to stay a loving family. 

I understand being passionate about issues, believe you me, I do!

I also know the feeling of utter frustration when I know someone I love isn’t “getting it”. Though this  does not give us the right to be mean spirited toward them. 

If we feel that passionate about a certain issue and so utterly frustrated others won’t listen to us, perhaps this is when we need most to stop talking and start praying. 

I am talking to myself as much as anyone else. 

Elections are rough as it is. This election is even more so. 

My encouragement to us all is to,

Stay in God’s Word. 

Learn what HE would want. 

Pray for His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Vote appropriately. 

Love our neighbor, siblings in Christ, vas ourselves.

Whenever possible be at peace with each other. 

And remember though the devil can’t really MAKE us do anything. He sure can influence our decisions. 

Peace out 💙ðŸĶ‹ðŸ•Š️

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