Prophetic Soaking Music


Don't Ever Say Never

There is a very good reason for that saying. 

My life is one of them.

I have been sitting here thinking of all the things I never thought would happen - ever -and did.

For instance.

I never thought I would be left all alone as a very small child. But I was, by my parents and by the day camp I went to, on more than one occasion. Albeit by mistake. STILL being left alone as a very small child is very scary.
I never thought the adults in my life, whom as children we are supposed to be able to trust, would take advantage of me as a very young child in a very perverted way.  
I never thought I would ever make any friends. 
I never thought I would ever be beautiful to anyone.
I never thought I would ever know love. 
I never thought I would ever end up on the back side of a Harley Davidson Motor Cycle at 15, hanging around a dangerous motor cycle gang doing drugs and lying to my parents about it.
I never thought I would sit and watch my best friend die in front of me by way of a drug over dose. Then have my own life threatened by  if I spoke a word about what I saw. 
I never thought I would ever end up so desperate that I felt I had no choice left but to jump off suicide cliff.
I never - ever - thought I would hear the voice of God.
I never thought God cared so much about me.
I never knew God sent His only Son Jesus - For ME.
I never expected God to forgive me for everything I had done.   
I never expected my world to change just like that.
I never believed I could forgive the adults that hurt me as a child.
I never believed I would find a man who could love me.

All these never's were so....each one...and more.

I did hear the voice of God.
I did find  love.
I did have a family of my own.
I did find friendship.
I did find fellowship in the body of Christ.

And life continued....and...more I never's...

I never thought my own beautiful family would fall apart.
I never thought my best friend would betray me.
I never thought those I trusted most would work together to take my babies away from me.
I never thought I would walk away from my Lord........because I lost all.

All these never's were so....each one...and more.

I never thought I would find love again.
I never thought I would have such a close relationship with my mom.
I never thought I would have the two most beautiful girls in the world.
I never thought my family would be back together for so many wonderful years.

All these never's were so....each one...and more.

I never thought my mother would leave this world so soon.
I never thought I would have to choose between my sons or my daughters.
I never thought my sons would once again be taken away.
I never expected after so many years with the family, my sons would choose to move away.
I never thought after years of praying and supporting and care packages and visits and undergrad visits that we would not be welcome at the biggest celebration of all, after driving 17 hours to see my oldest graduate.
I never expected my sons to keep my grandchildren from me and their sisters.
I never expected my sons to legally cut me and their sisters out of their lives forever.

All these never's were so....each one...and more.

I never expected to be able to forgive my sons father, step mother or my sons for the grief they have caused us all. Not just me but my precious daughters, (their sisters) and their step father.
I never expected to be able to fervently pray blessings, daily for everyone in my sons lives. Including their father and step mother. 
I never expected to be able to carry on with my daily life. Considering all the heart wrenching pain that I continue to feel.

But I am.

How? Well...I am learning how to live a life of obedience and sacrifice.

In this I find the Joy of the Lord - therein lies my strength. Nehemiah 8:10

Also I am finding the better I get at the obedience part, the less sacrifice there seems to be required. At least for me in my walk with the Lord at this stage of the game. :) I would like to think I have learned my Jonah lesson! 

Now I realize there are allot of I never's here. Of course I haven't listed all of my never's on here, but a good portion of them. Mostly one's that are relevant to what I am going through in my life right now. 
See, I am smack dab in the middle of a heart wrenching - life altering - emotional - situation. The ONLY way I have been able NOT to react the same way I did the FIRST time this situation occurred in my life (when the father of my sons filed for divorce and left with my babies) is by sticking very close to the Master's side. At His feet. In His lap. In prayer and in His Word. (I think you get the message) 


I do realize this has not been the cheeriest of posts. I will admit. However, writing does a soul good - especially this one. From what I hear (through your emails) there are a few of your souls out there that get a little something out of reading my ramblings as well! Thank you...:)

So I will write.

Please feel free to leave a comment on here. You can still email me. :)
But it wouldn't hurt to click on the comment link below as well!  

May the good Lord Bless you and may Abba Father keep you safe in the crux of His hand. May you receive the spirit of Truth as you seek the face of Yeshua/Jesus  and desire to be like Him for the glory of God.

Shalom ~ Amy Colleen

p.s. remember, don't ever say "never" because you just don't know what God has in store for you!

I never thought I would be able to love and trust again.
I never thought I would ever love any child as much as I love my sons Joshua James, Jeremy Joseph and Jacob John.

Well, I am and I do.

And I have the most incredible, beautiful, God loving, God fearing daughter's anyone could ever hope for .... and I love them ..... just as much as I love my sons.

I never thought .....

Art Work by click link


For Mother's in light of Mother's Day (coming up)

With Love from my Daughter Lauren Danielle

Mother Dearest
Love ~Lauren

Now, mother dearest of all the world, I know hard you try
I know how hurt you may feel when things just don’t go right.

I see how hard you strive, to fulfill our family needs,
and save for last your very own precious, precious pleas.

And though at times you may struggle through, I can always look forward to your smile
and mother dearest of all the world, it carries me for miles.

As you speak of God’s adoration, you walk with a joy-filled pace,
as everyone can see it on your bright and shining face.

To hear your laugh, and see your face aglow,
Spreads peace and cheer, yes this I know.

Our voice and character seem alike, and I hope this will foretell,
my future self being just like yours or even half as swell.

Now, mother dearest in all the world I know how hard you try.
But you need not try at all, for you always get it right.

Because of HIM

Okay, so I should really be in bed right now trying to get some shut eye so I can some what function tomorrow at work. Honestly though, if I were to put this here computer down and try to go to sleep I would find myself drowning in a lake of tears. Yes, you heard me right. I said, "a lake of tears". I know I don't normally show a whole lot of emotion on here (my blog). But this is one of those few times that I feel as those if I don't release it (my overwhelming emotion) it's going to come out on it's on through my aching heart, and at this point my aching heart can't take anymore pain. It's liable to go into massive cardiac arrest.

Little dramatic, huh? Yeah, well that would be my life at the moment. Ehh, who am I kidding. That would be my life period! 

This world I am living in right now is not the world I grew up in that is for sure.

Nuclear plants leaking into our oceans and atmospheres.

People filled with such anger that they feel the need to gang up on a single un-armed adult and beat them to near death with everything but the kitchen sink. These are men, woman and children and this is not even considered news worthy.

Children divorcing their parents and siblings. (I know of this first hand)

Abortion/the murder of innocent life, becoming birth control and not only every woman's right but every tax payers and employers responsibility.


Love - no where to be found. 

In the family? Where? You raise a child to love and respect and forgive. Then, when they grow up they turn on you. Spit in your face. Where is the love? The respect? The forgiveness? There is none. 
Perfection. They expect perfection. You have none. You are not perfect, no one is perfect but God. Still, they see themselves as righteous in themselves and turn there back on you.

So, love, in the church can you find it there? No. The church is busy looking for love itself. Busy, busy, busy. Going here, going there. Never really getting any where. All the while so many in the church just needing to be loved. Needing someone to love.

How about in the world? Can you find love in the world? Perhaps. Perhaps if you wander to and fro you will find a love for a time, but noting that will truly satisfy you deep inside.

No. Not deep inside.

However, I have found it. I have found love. 

The love that satisfies. I have learned through the years. Through the betrayals. The loss. The tears. I have found HIM who has pursued me I have found HIM  who has followed me and walked along side me.  I have found HIM who has kept me safe, through the fire and the storm.  I have found HIM  who has held me close when I was all alone, abandoned and confused. Yeshua is His name. 

Since I have found HIM, who has been pursuing me I have never been the same.

Through all the trials. All the heart ache. All the pain and tears. I know in my heart HE will turn it around for me. So I know I can make it and in this I have peace and take JoY. 
Because of HIM.


How are YOU?

Twinkle - twinkle
Little star
How I wonder 
How they are

Just like you 
So far away
Not a post
In many a day

                                               Twinkle - twinkle 
                                                 Little star
                                                 How I wonder 
                                                How they are


Peanut Butter Sandwiches

Years ago, when my two youngest children were very small,
I was sitting in my living room, which is attached to the kitchen. My daughters were making their lunches, peanut butter sandwiches.  *It is important to note here that they were both making the same lunch, that they had the very same goal. Both were making peanut butter sandwiches.

Now each daughter had their very own and very different ideas of how to make their own sandwich.
So, I had gotten out a brand new container of peanut butter for them to use and they had gotten out their own utensils of choice as well as their own bread and were all ready to make their lunch!  As soon as I put the jar of peanut butter down between the two of them my oldest daughter immediately picked up the jar of peanut butter and headed for the dining room table, leaving the other daughter behind empty handed.

As you can imagine it was almost instantly that the fighting began.

“Mom!”  My youngest daughter screamed, “She just took my peanut butter - now I can’t make my sandwich!”

Then without delay her older sister replied with just as much passion,

I did not take your peanut butter! You don’t own it Mom gave it to both of us. I just brought it to the table to make my sandwich on my plate!”

Well, I quickly intervened at that point and ushered my oldest daughter back into the kitchen with the jar of my peanut butter.  I was not at all happy at this point as they were both hollering at each other – through me. So I began to explain to the both of them that the peanut butter did not belong to either of them it was in fact my peanut butter, and furthermore the two of them were expected to share the peanut butter.

I took it a bit further as I have a tendency to do when I get heated, and asked them a few questions. Kinda went like this -

“Now you two have the exact same goal here don’t you?”  They both nodded their heads yes.

“Again, both of you are wanting to make peanut butter sandwiches. Right?” Again they nodded, yes.

“Okay, so between the both of,  you only have one jar of peanut butter. Correct?” Again they nodded yes.

“Soooooo -  what seems to be the problem? Why can’t you get along and share?
 I am right here. You know I am and still you fight and argue as if I can’t see you or hear you. Why?
 I just don’t understand you two!”

To be perfectly honest, I was a bit frustrated with both of my girls at this point. 

After a while, the old sharing speech just gets a little old. Any parent will be able to understand where I am coming from.  But I kept my cool and finished the speech and I turned around to walk out of the kitchen and my youngest daughter spoke up.

In the sweetest of voices I heard I love you Mom.”

I didn’t respond right away. I just slowly turned around, then said in a very firm soft tone,

“Really?  If you love me, then show me and do what I tell you.”

(That’s when it hit me….like a ton of bricks!)

John 14:15  “If you love you will obey what I command….”

How many times does the word of the Lord command us to love one another?

I sat in my chair in the living room and saw ~ in my two precious daughters ~ not only two children of God, but I saw the body of Christ.

Now, my daughters were fighting over how to make a peanut butter sandwiches. It ended up taking at least four times as long to make the sandwiches as it should have.
The sandwiches came complete with a rebuke from Mom (and believe me I was not happy) and the whole experience affected much more than it should have in an unintended detrimental way, leaving the recipients of the sandwiches with a much smaller appetite than they had in the first place when they started off on their quest for food!

I realize I am comparing children and peanut butter sandwiches here to grown-ups and spirituality but just for a moment let’s just think about it.
What if we look at this situation as being the Body of Christ instead of two siblings?

God the Father sends us one sacrifice to share.
We are all different - and that’s okay - He made us that way.
It is clear by the great many times it is addressed in the written word of God about our differences and our need to work through them and learn to live with them and serve God to our best ability side by side in them. That God wants us to GET ALONG!

Well - Are we?

Or are we being like little children fighting over how to make a peanut butter sandwich?
Fighting over things that don’t matter and wasting precious time that we don’t have to waste. (the Apostle Paul talks about this very thing in !Corinthian Chapter 1) That could be better spent reaching out to the lost and hurting, reaching out literally to a lost and dyeing, world.

We may all think our way is the best way to -
1)Save souls
2)Get people delivered
4)Feed the poor
5)Run the Church
6) And everything else that’s important in the life of a follower of Yeshua

My point here?

I love my children more than any other humans on earth. (it is important to note this as I am making a comparison)

*Immediately following my talking to my girls, after my youngest daughter said to me in her sweet little voice, “I love you Mom”,  my reaction was not one of a warm lovie~dovie,  “I love you too honey,” it was more of stern acknowledgment. Not because I don’t love her or even so much that I was angry at my daughter but my favor did not rest on her right at  that moment - as it usually did

*I will also mention here that there was no apology made from either daughter for screaming. Neither to me nor to each other. This also affected my somberness in my reaction to them.

So, with this in mind - How does God receive our affections our praises and worship as a whole - the Body of Christ when we still, spend so much of the time not getting along?

Catholics, Baptists, Assemblies of God and everything in between …

Those of us who believe Jesus Christ and him crucified, died and buried, resurrected for our sins. Lord of Lords and King of Kings he will come again!

If you love meyou will do what I command.”
They will recognize you by the love you have one for another.”
“Forgive one another as I have forgiven you.”

It’s time to get making those peanut butter sandwiches!
Whatcha say?
Pass the jelly would ya?
Jesus is coming back soon.
I for one have a lot of unsaved loved ones I’d like to see in heaven!

Shalom ~
Amy Colleen


Sunday sampler

These are just a few photos of people in my life.

 A few very special people 
the Lord has placed
 in my life.
 People who have left their  mark ♥ on my ♥ heart

Some whom I have yet to even meet. Still I find I fall more in love with them each and every day

 Some are no longer here ~ they have gone on to a better place.  
They are missed ~ deeply missed.
I love you Mom and Dad.

Then there are those. That have moved away. 

Far ~ far away. 

        Æ¸ÓœÆ· I miss you Æ¸ÓœÆ·

Moved away 
  both  in
body and spirit

They too are greatly missed.
”*°•.ƸӜƷ Æ¸ÓœÆ·•°*”˜˜”*°•.ƸӜƷ✫...•°*”˜˜”*°•.ƸӜƷ✫...•°*”˜˜”*ƸӜƷ•°*”˜˜”*°•.ƸӜƷ✫...•°*”˜˜”*°•.ƸӜƷ✫...•°*”˜˜”*...•°*”˜˜”*


there are those 

Who are currently in my life  

That  bring me great joy !


I thank God for them. My blessings